this week was good because of...

...a Saturday spent scrapbooking at the local scrapbook store. Ahhh.

...using up supplies from my collection of stuff (as opposed to buying all-new supplies).

...exercising three times this week.

...a beautiful evening of music at a campus concert.

...his gentleness and concern when I twisted a muscle in my back.

...finishing Friday afternoon with an empty to-do list.

...a delightful pedicure.

...discovering an entire shelf section of Cajun cooking ingredients at Meijer.

...a constructive, rewarding mid-year evaluation conversation with my supervisor.

...progress and positive updates for a friend's dad's health.

...conversation and laughter while watching the CMA Awards with a friend.

...the new experience of seeing a campus cultural center's annual pageant.

...being glad I waited to see "Letters to Juliet" on DVD.

...honest, amusing conversations with Wildcat Guy.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: the November issue of Smithsonian magazine


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