this week was good because of...

...spending some quality time in the woods.

...the three job applications I completed, and the rough draft of the application essay that I finished.

...a wonderful "catching up" phone conversation with a dear friend, and overwhelming gratitude for her supportive words.

...the confidence I have in financial decisions I'm making for the next month and a half.

...time spent at the coffee shop, indulging in meandering thoughtfulness and a soothing drink.

...putting myself out there, taking a chance and being one step closer to a date with an interesting guy (even if he is six-hundred miles away).

...translating my growing interest in fashion into my own sense of style.

What made your week good?

Where I am: Lebanon, KY
What I'm reading: Turning Tables, and The Faith Club


What made last week good?

Interview #3 - which will hopefully lead to a full-time classroom position.

I'll find out on Wednesday.

*Crosses fingers*

Also, dinner and girl talk with a new friend.

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