100 things to know about me: 71-80

In searching through some old posts, I realized it's been a very long time since I added to my "100 things" list. So let's move ten facts closer to this list being finished...

71. I know how to drive a tractor. At least, I used to. It's been years since I've been in the driver's seat, but I have to admit - it was kinda fun, in that "fun to do every once in a while" type of way.

72. I spent an entire summer helping my Grandpa grow tobacco. Well, sort of. As the tractor driver, I avoided some of the real "work"...but from setting out the seedlings to bundling up the dried leaves, I've been a part of the adventure.

73. Just once, I would love to drive a race car, and feel what it's like to drive that fast.

74. I despise speed limits, especially on empty, straight stretches of interstate.

75. Some people (like Josh) are movie connoisseurs. Me? I'm just a movie junkie. I can watch a favorite movie over and over and over and...well, you get the idea. Sadly, I know a number of movies well enough that I can put them in for background noise, and never have to see the screen to know what's happening.

76. I'm a good listener. A student once told me this was disarming...perhaps because she ended up telling me too much information. But we only learn if we listen...so I'm all ears.

77. I believe in honesty, and that even the most delicate truths can be shared using the right combination of patience, tact and kindness.

78. I work best under pressure. I read somewhere that this was a nice way to say I'm a procrastinator. While that's true, too, I just tend to be more productive when I'm balancing multiple projects and tasks.

79. I love eating foods that require you to play with them...like artichokes. (Not the ones that come in a jar...the ones you get in the "fresh vegetable" section.) The process of pulling the leaves off to eat the meat is well, a process...but also fun. And having fun with your food makes a meal so much more enjoyable.

80. When it comes to dating and relationships, I have to admit that I'm hopelessly old-fashioned. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've made the first move (asking a guy for his number, on a date, etc.), and you know what? I like it that way. Seeing this postcard on Post Secret reminded me of that.

Twenty more coming soon...it's about time that I finished this list!

Where I am: Home
What I'm re-reading: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert


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