Fun in DC - part 1

Last week, I spent the first half of the week at a NASPA conference...that's National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Basically, it's a big annual gathering of people who work in a wide variety of university departments - admissions, student activities, residence life, orientation, and so on and so forth. Lots of cool workshops, lots of cool programs and lots of cool people. Best of all, it's the one time of year I'm guaranteed to see certain's kinda like Phi Sigma Pi events, only professionally oriented. Two of those people are Joel and Julien, whom I went to grad school with:

They are two fantastic guys! What's really cool is that we never plan to meet up at the conference...we always end up just running into each other. (It doesn't hurt that we know we'll all be at the Boston College reception that's held one evening.) In past years, the hanging out has been limited to passing in between programs and chatting at the reception. This year, though, we got to really hang out...and it was such fun!

"Hanging out" included catching a Washington Capitals hockey game. But not just any hockey first ever hockey game!!

Which Joel and Julien didn't know when they invited me. (We'll skip over their astonishment that I'd never attended a BC hockey game while we were there.) Which meant they had to walk me through the in's and out's of the game. They were very good-natured about it, though, and I really enjoyed the game. The Caps ended up losing (in the last few minutes of the last period!), but they held their own for quite a while.

And to end part 1 of my week in DC, I thought I'd share a picture of what I'm convinced is the tallest escalator around. (And for those who rode the escalator in Atlanta? This was taller!) It was fun to ride, but quite the surprise the first time I rounded the corner and saw how far up I had to ride to get to the street.

Stay tuned for part 2 - I know you can't wait!! =)

Where I am: Home
What I'm reading: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert


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