Snippets of fun

So I'm hanging out at the airport, killing time until my 5 p.m. flight home from Convention. Stories and pictures are coming soon, but in the meantime, I thought I'd share some quotes that help define just why I love my brothers, and why Convention is such a fantastic time. I'll warn you now that some of them probably aren't funny unless you were there...but they continue to amuse me to no end. (Of course, that could just be because I get slap-happy when I'm this exhausted.) No matter...hope you enjoy...

"Be the pole." (Baxter, Lindsay, et al.)

"So you have a wife, a mistress, a concubine, and a whore." (Baxter), followed by
"Atlanta is the best city ever!" (Dan Friedman)

"Oh. My. God." (Drew Volturo)

"I'm going upstairs to change. Do you want to see my view?" (me)

"Nice bear." (guy at the airport), followed by
"I can't tell if that was flirting or disparaging." (Josh Marder)

"Last night was 'Wedding Singer' sexy. This is Colleen sexy...mmm, mmm, mmm!" (Josh Coonrod)

"Are you flying to Baton Rouge or Louisiana?" (me)

And if you absolutely insist on seeing pictures immediately, check out the pictures of my San Diego trip below, which I finally posted after much cursing and aggravation.

Where I am: Atlanta airport
What I'm reading: Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe


Dan said…
Well since you ASKED me to correct you, I actually do want to give credit where it's due. Baxter actually shared the first thought about my growing harem ("So you have a..."), to which my reply was, "Atlanta is the best city ever!"

But really, either way is fine, cuz I still gots 4 women out of the deal :-D
Lee said…
Thanks for the correction, Dan! I mean, it would be horrible for a quote list to be historically inaccurate, wouldn't it? It was great to see you and your harem-building self...hope the trip home was safe!

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